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Saturday, May 29, 2010

IAIS GUEST COMIC - Cat-astrophe

This is a guest comic made by a friend of mine, Xaltwind. He was the guy who introduced me to create.swf and got me started on comics, so please enjoy his take on It's As It Seems!

Though I wonder, if the cat shrinks after attacking things, does that mean that eventually the cat will become ineffective?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's as it seems: Episode 2 - It's for Science!

It seems that some computer scientists have developed an algorithm that detects sarcasm in text. Well... I couldn't pass this up.

Poor Rhonda, she means so well...

Go to to create your own comics!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Delusions of Silver Episode 4: It's just spice & wolf!

Meet Sara! A new character for the DoS universe!

It can often be tough being a manga fan... especially if you're a fan of the more... fan-service laden work.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's as it seems: Episode 1 - Are you sure you're sober?

This was the first comic I wrote entirely on my own, I think it turned out well!

Written on Febuary 12, this comic follows the conversation of Rhonda and Danielle, discussing Candies, and the resulting feelings.

Delusions of Silver Episode 3: Artstyle Oddity!

This is the last DoS comic before an extremely long hiatus.

The software that I use to make these comics has an extremely chibified artstyle. Thus, even characters who are supposed to be adults end up looking very childish.

this was made to highlight that fact.

Delusions of Silver Episode 2: Everything is better with Jesus on it!

I, once again, apologize about bubble placement. It gets better from here on on out, folks!

This is, by far, the best edition of DoS to date, bubble placement notwithstanding.

This comic exposes a rather evil side to Amy, one that became a running gag in later scripts. Only one other comic has been produced though.

Delusions of Silver Episode 1: But EVERYONE has plushies!

This is the very first official episode of Delusions of Silver! This comic was made along with writing and character contributions from Xaltwind!

Enjoy as Runa takes her reluctant friend Amy to harass a convenience store!

My apologies about bubble placement, Create.swf is rather limited about bubble tails. The bubbles are read from top to bottom, with floating text being read last.